José Solé

Future Fonts EULA v1.000

August 30, 2023

This document, the End User License Agreement (EULA), is a legal contract between José Solé, the owner of the Fonts, and the person or entity licensing them for use (also referred to as ‘You’), whose name is specified during the purchase. This EULA describes what You can and can not do with the licensed Font Software (also referred to as ‘Fonts’). The Font Software is subject to trademark, service mark, trade dress, copyright, or other intellectual property rights held by José Solé. No right, title, or interest in any of the Fonts is transferred to You as a result of the terms set in this EULA. This agreement only provides You with the rights to use said Fonts as specified below.

If the license purchaser or any users authorised to use the Fonts violate this license agreement, it will result in automatic termina- tion of said agreement. If You are a business entity purchasing the license for use by Your owners, employees, agents, or other repres- entatives, You are responsible for notifying the representatives about the terms of this agreement as well as ensuring that they abide by them. The Fonts cannot be shared with anyone who is not a licensed user, nor can the Font files be stored in a location access- ible to any unlicensed users (for example in a file server or publicly available source repository).

The number of licensed users is determined by whatever size license was purchased by the license buyer. This number must reflect the number of employees, subcontractors, and any temporary staff at the time of purchase. Subject to the limitations below, licensed users can install the Fonts on any devices, or any accounts on multi- user computing devices, dedicated exclusively to them. Licensed users who are employees or contractors of the license buyer can use the Fonts only for projects on behalf of the license buyer. Likewise, anyone who regularly uses the Fonts for projects on behalf of the license buyer must be a licensed user.

By buying, downloading, installing, and continuing the use of the Fonts, You acknowledge and consent to the terms and conditions outlined in this EULA. Once You have paid all relevant license fees, José Solé will give You the non-exclusive and non-transferable rights to use the Fonts, as outlined in this EULA. You acknowledge that José Solé reserves all the rights not explicitly granted to You in this license. If any of the terms of this contract are breached, José Solé reserves the rights to claim the applicable damages and com- pensation at any given time.

Except as provided in this EULA, You shall not: (i) transfer, give access to, or distribute any part of any Font to any third-party; (ii) attempt to reverse engineer, alter, or modify any part of any Font; (iii) attempt in any way to emulate, mimic, or otherwise create a substitute for any Font, including outlining; (iv) use the Fonts in any explicitly political or religious context, without the prior writ- ten consent of José Solé; or (v) use a Font in any way not expressly permitted in this EULA.

Basic License

The Basic License grants You the right to use Desktop and Web Fonts under the terms stated. To use the Fonts in other contexts such as embedding in applications, Ebooks, broadcasting, logos and wordmarks, game embedding, and film titles or credits, You must contact José Solé to arrange for an extended license. Your license is limited to the uses and specifications identified in the Order Invoice and as stated in this Agreement.

Desktop Fonts → These Fonts are provided in TTF format and may be installed on computers with no limits to the number of users, provided they are all employees and subcontractors of the organ- isation, and the work is for the End User named on the license.

Authorised users may embed the Fonts into electronic documents for use on computers that are controlled by the license owner, provided that the electronic documents are for personal or internal business use. The Fonts may be embedded into electronic docu- ments for use on computers that are not controlled by the license owner only if: (i) the electronic documents (such as PDFs) are dis- tributed in a secure format that allows only printing and viewing, and prohibits editing, enhancing, extracting, or modifying the text; (ii) the electronic documents are not for the purpose of providing the display of text and graphics on Ebook or E-reader type devices; and (iii) and are not for sale in any manner.

Web Fonts → These Fonts may be embedded on websites with no limits to visitors or views, however, the Web Fonts may only be served to website domains that are under the direct control of the licensee. You may only serve the Fonts on websites using the CSS @font-face rule and in WOFF and WOFF2 formats (use of the Fonts in TTF format on the web is not permitted). The Fonts may not be embedded on websites or tools that generate dynamic artwork, or documents where the Fonts can be exported for use outside the con- text of the website.

Trial & Student License

This license grants You a non-exclusive license to use Desktop Fonts on a free trial, as specified in this Agreement and at the time of Download. A ‘Trial Basis’ means use of the Fonts for: (i) testing, evaluation, and comparison purposes; (ii) noncommercial, student projects; or (iii) private pitches and proposals for Your clients. The Fonts acquired under this license may not be used in any public context unless written permission is provided by José Solé and with full acknowledgement of the name of the typeface and José Solé as the creator.

Trial & Student Fonts are supplied in TTF format and may not be converted to any other font formats. If You decide to continue using the Fonts beyond the initial evaluation usage, or to use them for other purposes, You must purchase the appropriate license.

Liabilities and Warranty

Neither party will be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, including lost profits, that may arise in connection with this EULA. Our liability arising out of this License will not exceed the amount paid for the Fonts giving rise to the liab- ility. You will indemnify José Solé against any claims, actions, dam- ages, liabilities, losses, or costs, including attorneys’ fees and costs incurred in the settlement or avoidance of any such claim.

If the purchaser experiences any difficulties with the Fonts and provides notice of said difficulties within 30 days of the purchase date in the Order Invoice, reasonable steps will be taken to resolve reported technical issues. If it is determined that the problem is a result of a technical failure of the Font software and it is not pos- sible to correct the problem within 10 business days after being notified of the problem, the purchaser will be refunded for the amount specified in the Order Invoice. In the event money is refun- ded, this License is automatically terminated. If the license buyer or any licensed user has unusual or excessive technical-support needs, José Solé reserves the right to terminate the license by refunding the license fee.

If any term or part of a term of this agreement is invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the rest of the agreement will remain in effect. This agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales, without regard to conflict of laws principles. Any claim arising out of this agreement, including tort claims, must be resolved in the courts of England and Wales.